CB4 Tables 2.0
By Tiriss
Commercial 28 Sep 2005In category
DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > DBF
CB4 Tables is a set of components that can be used anywhere you want to use dBase IV, FoxPro or Clipper tables, but don't want to use the BDE:- It is a wrapper for using CodeBase in Delphi (and C++Builder and Kylix).
- It allows you to use CodeBase as a BDE replacement.
- It is almost completely compatible with TTable, so you can easily migrate to or from the BDE.
- It has two components: a TCB4Table and a TCB4Database
- It's component TCB4Table is a descendant of TDataset so it can be used by any standard VCL or third party control using datasets.
- It adds extra functionality like Tag expression recognition and better scrollbar support for DBGrids
- It can be used in a standalone and a client-server environment.
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: C
- Price: $65
- Size: 1 311 859kB
- C++ Builder 5
- C++ Builder 6
- Delphi 2005 (VCL)
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7