DBExpress SQLClientDataSet 1.1
In category
DB-Aware Components > DB Access > Packs
TSQLClientDataSet is DBExpress DataSet and easy to use.
TClientDataSet, TDataSetProvider, TSQLQuery, TUpdateSQL is included in TSQLClientDataSet Component.
Below is simple description
// you can assign DBExpress connection
DBConnection: TSQLConnection;
// write select sql syntax
CommandText: String;
// transaction mode if you needed
CommitMode: TCommitMode;
// you have to assign DBExpress connection for transaction, if you need transaction
TranConnection: TSQLConnection;
// UpdateSQL component for Insert, Update, Delete
UpdateSQL: TCDSUpdateSQL;
// you can assign custom param values
UpdateSQL.BeforeGetParam(const AParamName: String; AField: TField; const Old: Boolean; var AValue: Variant);
// you can operate additional process
UpdateSQL.BeforeUpdate(Sender: TObject; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var Updated: Boolean);
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: SW
- Size: 17 569kB
- Delphi 7